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Autor/inn/enBojorquez, Hector; Bahena, Sofia
InstitutionIntercultural Development Research Association
TitelReady Texas: A Study HB5 Implementation in Texas and Implications for College Readiness
Quelle(2018), (61 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Legislation; Educational Legislation; College Readiness; High School Students; Graduation; Graduation Requirements; Program Implementation; College Preparation; Program Evaluation; Program Effectiveness; Algebra; College Admission; Mathematics Education; Educational Indicators; Academic Achievement; College Planning; School Counseling; Curriculum; Texas
AbstractIn 2013, the 83rd Texas Legislature established the Foundation High School Program, which allows for significant local variation in graduation planning and represents one of the most substantial changes to Texas curricula in recent history. The new policy (HB5) lowered graduation requirements for mathematics, science and social studies; implemented a new graduation requirement for career readiness, called endorsements; and added a "Distinguished Level of Achievement" designation that closely resembles the previous graduation requirements. Each one of these changes has implications for the future of Texas students. Lowering graduation requirements across the board could possibly affect college readiness and preparation. How these changes are implemented and what this implies for students, families and schools can have a deep impact on post-secondary preparation, access and completion, particularly for students underrepresented in degree attainment. With funding from the Greater Texas Foundation, the Intercultural Development Research Association conducted Ready Texas, a mixed-method study of HB5 implementation to examine: (1) Statewide, what effects has HB5 had on course-taking patterns, specifically Algebra II? (2) How are educators, families, and students in school districts navigating implementation of the new high school graduation requirements? What does this mean for post-secondary preparation? (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIntercultural Development Research Association. 5835 Callaghan Road Suite 350, San Antonio, TX 78228-1190. Tel: 210-444-1710; Fax: 210-444-1714; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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