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Autor/inFox, Florence C.
InstitutionDepartment of the Interior, Bureau of Education (ED)
TitelMain Streets of the Nation: A Series of Projects on Highway Transport for Elementary Schools. Bulletin, 1923, No. 38
Quelle(1923), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChildrens Literature; Geography; Civil Engineering; Urban Schools; Grade 5; Travel; Transportation; Motor Vehicles; Science Education; Civics; History; Teaching Methods; Observation; Reading Processes; Elementary School Students; Instructional Effectiveness
AbstractThe highway is close to every child's experience and plays an important part in the activities of his life. The influence of the street is second only to that of the home. The highway project holds, for that reason, an absorbing interest of children in the middle and upper grades. It presents a wide range of subject matter and an opportunity for many forms of activity. The central subjects in this bulletin represent five centers of study such as Science, Geography, Civics, History, and Literature. The lessons in science include simple engineering problems in road and bridge construction; those in geography and history, the location and early history of present routes of travel; in civics, the use of the highways; and in literature, appropriate songs and stories which add an artistic element to the study. The modes of study by which the child gains his impressions are, first, observation; second, hearing language; and third, reading. The lessons given in this bulletin have been recently demonstrated in a class of fifth-grade children in one of the city school systems and bear throughout the impress of their reaction to the material here presented. The objective method used in the presentation was varied by means of field lessons and by the use of pictures, models, and specimens which were brought into the class by the children. In some instances the official of a highway, a representative of an automobile industry, a college professor of highway engineering, or a traffic officer gave a talk to the children on his particular interest in highway transportation. Contents include: (1) Foreword; (2) Introduction; (3) Lessons in geography; (4) Lessons in Science; (5) Lessons in civics; and (6) Lessons in history and literature. Bibliographies and illustrations are included. (Contains 3 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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