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InstitutionFederal Housing Administration (HUD), Washington, DC.
TitelHomebuyer Education Learning Program Guide.
Quelle(1997), (154 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Adult Education; Budgeting; Budgets; Consumer Education; Credit (Finance); Family Life Education; Financial Aid Applicants; Homeowners; Housing; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Learning Modules; Loan Repayment; Money Management; Purchasing; Real Estate
AbstractDesigned to help present the FHA Homebuyers Education and Learning Program (HELP), this guide answers questions about the home buying process. Successful program completion may entitle the participant to a reduction of the cost of mortgage insurance and, in certain cases, assistance with the downpayment and/or closing costs. Each of five modules is intended for presentation in a 5.5-hour session. The material in the modules includes information, exercises, and activities to apply the concepts and knowledge. Each module ends with an evaluation form. Module I stresses the importance of budgeting for the downpayment and budgeting after the purchase. Module II outlines how to locate a home and the advantages of working with the real estate agent. It explains the purchase contract, offers, and contingencies by pointing out the steps involved when negotiating the price. Module III focuses on selecting a lender, types of mortgages, and processes involved in securing a loan, including the application and pertinent information that must be provided to the lender. It briefly explains how qualifying criteria is evaluated by the lender and discusses Fair Housing Laws and Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act requirements. Module IV covers the steps involved in the homebuying process. Module V highlights the additional responsibilities associated with home ownership and provides tips on performing periodic inspections and repairs to avoid major repair costs. Appendixes include forms, worksheets, and a glossary. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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