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Autor/inRay, Charles K.
InstitutionBureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of Interior), Albuquerque, NM.
TitelAlaskan Native Education: An Historical Perspective. Research and Evaluation Report Series No. 18-A.
Quelle(1973), (212 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; American Indians; Change Strategies; Contracts; Educational Finance; Educational History; Eskimos; Federal Programs; Financial Needs; Legislation; Program Descriptions; Rural Education; State Programs; Transfer Policy; Alaska
AbstractDesigned to help Alaskan Native communities and organizations, State and Federal officials, citizens of Alaska, and professional educators in dealing with changing educational situations, the report provides a reliable and succinct history of Alaskan education from the time of the area's purchase from Russia in 1867. One of the major problems in Alaskan education has been its dual school system. The major impediment to the unification of these systems has been and remains a financial one. The 14 appendices, which comprise the majority of the document, cover: 1950 information about Alaskan Native Service Education activities; the 1970 agreement between Alaska and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for the administration of Johnson-O'Malley funds; 1970 plans for the transfer of Federal schools to the State; 1954 information relative to financing contract schools; 1966 plans for rural Alaskan education; background on the William E. Beltz Vocational School (Nome); the 1971 Northwest Alaska Education Planning Project Proposal; the 1972 BIA Manual for education through Indian organization; a 1970 White House release rejecting the policy of termination in Indian affairs; and BIA schools transferred to the State. (KM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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