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Sonst. PersonenNiemi, Hannele (Hrsg.); Toom, Auli (Hrsg.); Kallioniemi, Arto (Hrsg.); Lavonen, Jari (Hrsg.)
TitelThe teacher's role in the changing globalizing world.
Resources and challenges related to the professional work of teaching.
QuelleLeiden: Brill Sense (2018), V, 154 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9789004372559; 9789004372566
SchlagwörterTeaching; Cross-cultural studies; Teachers; Training of; Education and globalization; Education; Social aspects; Educational change; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractContents -- Teacher's work in changing educational contexts: balancing the role -- And the person -- The new roles for twenty-first-century teachers: facilitator, knowledge -- Broker, and pedagogical weaver -- Pedagogical beliefs, instructional practices, and opportunities for -- Professional development of teachers in estonia -- The role of teachers in the finnish educational system: high -- Professional autonomy and responsibility -- Dutch teacher and teacher education policies: trends and ambiguities -- Theo Wubbels and Jan Van Tartwijk -- Teacher professional development in Malta: liberalizing the way -- We learn -- Teaching in the USA: decentralization, inequality, and professional -- Autonomy -- Challenges and solutions faced by China's teachers in the era of -- Globalization -- The changing roles of teachers and teacher learning in the -- Twenty-first century: the singapore story -- The teaching profession amid changes in the educational ecosystems -- About the contributors.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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