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Autor/inn/enWodika, Alicia; Rhodes, Darson
TitelTeaching Program Planning and Evaluation: Measuring Acquired Skills of Alumni in Health Education Settings
QuelleIn: Journal of Health Education Teaching, 10 (2019) 1, S.21-33 (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterHealth Education; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Alumni; Cultural Awareness; Public Health; Teaching Methods; Career Development; Online Surveys; Grounded Theory; Social Cognition; Educational Theories; Self Advocacy; Creativity; Skill Development; Community Involvement; Material Development; Job Placement; Education Work Relationship; Citizen Participation; Service Learning; Educational Needs; Needs Assessment; Higher Education
AbstractPurpose: The aim of this study was to better understand how program planning and evaluation courses prepare students for their future careers in various health settings. Participants (n=20) from three different institutions with Health Education programs in the U.S. participated in the study. Methods: A modified snow-ball sampling technique was used to contact alumni to participate in an online closed and open-ended survey using Qualtrics. Likert-scales assessed skills used in participants' respective fields and types of theories and planning models used for program development and implementation. Open-ended questions allowed participants to share ways in which they practiced cultural competency, suggestions to enhance program planning and evaluation courses and advice for early-career professionals in health education and public health. Closed questions were analyzed using IBM SPSS and open-ended questions were analyzed using a constant comparison method for themes. Results: Findings varied based on the type of health assessment activity with surveys being the most used method for needs assessments and pre/post comparisons used for program evaluation. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) was the planning model most likely used by participants for program development, with the health belief model and social cognitive theory being the most utilized theories. Regarding cultural competency, three themes focused on sustained community engagement, material development, inclusive environments. Themes that were developed pertaining to advice for future professionals included immersion with experiences, sustained learning, self-advocacy, and creativity with opportunities. The last open-ended question included themes focusing on integration of real-world experiences, practical skill development, and course adaptation to contemporary issues. Conclusions: The study concluded that health educators in the sample conduct activities and skills related to Areas I, II, III, and IV which include skills expected for entry-level health educators. Advanced skills within the Areas V, VI, and VII were not frequently reported. The sample of this study was very diverse in terms of occupational placement and therefore, reflects the current work settings of health educators. Recommendations: Program planning and Evaluation courses should develop projects that focus on civic engagement and service learning to address the practical, realistic, and contemporary needs of students' learning. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenJournal of Health Education Teaching. 9563 Wedge Way, Delmar, MD 21875. Tel: 443-880-0394; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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