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Sonst. PersonenCannaday, Jessica (Hrsg.)
TitelCurriculum Development for Gifted Education Programs. Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design (AETID) Book Series
Quelle(2018), (284 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCurriculum Development; Gifted Education; Academically Gifted; Constructivism (Learning); Diversity; Advanced Students; Creativity; Home Schooling; Teacher Education; Technological Literacy; Pedagogical Content Knowledge
AbstractDiverse learners with exceptional needs require a specialized curriculum that will help them to develop, socially and intellectually, in a way that traditional pedagogical practice is unable to fulfill. As educational technologies and theoretical approaches to learning continue to advance, so do the opportunities for exceptional children. "Curriculum Development for Gifted Education Programs" is a critical scholarly resource that examines the development of coursework for gifted and talented students. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics, such as constructivism, diversity responsive method, and teacher training, this book is geared towards academicians, researchers, gifted education teachers, supervisors, directors, and administrators. Chapters include: (1) Certification and Endorsement in Gifted and Talented Education: What the Teacher Educator Should Know (Jessica Cannaday); (2) Students' Attitudes Toward Education of Gifted Children and Competencies as Future Teachers: Case Study From Croatia (Jasna Arrigoni and Sanja Tatalovic Vorkapic); (3) Differentiated Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students: Teaching Gifted and Talented Students With Diversity Responsive Education Method (HeeKap Lee); (4) Design and Development of an Instructional Program for Teaching Programming Processes to Gifted Students Using Scratch (Hatice Yildiz Durak and Tolga Güyer); (5) Technology for Gifted Students in Mixed-Ability Classrooms (Timothy Brinkley); (6) Underrepresentation of Black Children in Gifted Education Programs: Examining Ethnocentric Monoculturalism (Delila Owens, Tanya J. Middleton, Marie M. Rosemond, and Maryann O. Meniru); (7) Homeschooling Gifted Students: Considerations for Research and Practice (Stacy Kula); and (8) Homeschooling/Unschooling in Gifted Education: A Parent's Perspective (Samantha Goodowens and Jessica Cannaday). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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