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Autor/inMiles, Christine
InstitutionMental Health Centre, Peshawar (Pakistan).
TitelSpecial Education for Mentally Handicapped Pupils--A Teaching Manual. Revised Edition.
Quelle(1990), (283 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Arithmetic; Behavior Modification; Behavior Problems; Classroom Techniques; Communication Skills; Daily Living Skills; Elementary Secondary Education; Etiology; Foreign Countries; Genetics; Humanities Instruction; Individual Development; Literacy Education; Mental Retardation; Play; Special Education; Teaching Methods; Pakistan
AbstractThis book describes the state of special education for students with mental disabilities in Pakistan and attempts to introduce beginning teachers to special education practice. The general nature and causes of mental disabilities are discussed, including emotional problems, genetic factors, and brain damage. Teaching methods are described, stressing developmental sequences, the importance of play, the need to guarantee appropriate basic services, motivation and reward, and chaining. Principles of communicative development are explored, including speech and sentence structure, word decoding, signs and symbols, and reading and prereading skills. General principles for teaching counting and arithmetic are discussed. Daily living skills are addressed, including feeding, personal hygiene, and the importance of family involvement. General guidelines for teaching art, music, and food preparation are provided, as are principles for education centered around movement, drama, and field trips. Several chapters are devoted to problem behavior and behavior management. Appendices include guidelines for normal development, record keeping, and equipment and a list of approximately 40 useful resources including the addresses of publishers who carry relevant catalogues. (PB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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