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Sonst. PersonenLange, Lois (Hrsg.); Young, Jay (Hrsg.)
InstitutionMichigan School Public Relations Association, Lansing.
TitelHot Topics in School Public Relations.
Quelle(1988), (57 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Educational Finance; Elementary Secondary Education; Parent Teacher Cooperation; Public Relations; Public Schools; School Community Relationship; School Districts; Superintendents; Michigan
AbstractThis document examines the public relations activities occurring in K-12 and intermediate school districts, needs for other activities, and how Michigan School Public Relations Association (MSPRA) can assist. Written surveys were mailed to 394 K-12 and Intermediate School District (ISD) superintendents. Analysis showed that very few school districts have a person who is devoted full time to public relations activities. The majority of the responding districts also had no established budget for school public relations. Titles and authors of the 18 articles included in the booklet are as follows: (1) "You Be the Judge: Are Program and Career Related?" (William Banach); (2) "P.A.C.E. Yourself for a Good Beginning" (Shirley Beckman); (3) "Crisis Planning: Being Prepared Isn't Just for Scouts" (Richard Egli); (4) "Millage Vote: Morning after Is New Beginning" (Cass Franks); (5) "Making the Most of Your Mall: A Tapestry of Talents" (Bob Freeham and Sandy Kus); (6) "Staff Recruitment: As Easy as 1, 2, 3 ... 4!" (Robert Gaskill); (7) "Research Conquers Mathophobia" (Ned S. Hubbell); (8) "Communicating School Finance without Mystery or Boredom" (David Kahn); (9) "Cheap Frills; Inexpensive Ways to Dress Up Your School PR Program" (Lois Lange); (10) "Are You a Part of the Cable Revolution?" (Jane McKinney); (11) "The P's and Q's of Publication Quality" (Hilary Nault); (12) "Stoking the Fires: Building Staff Morale" (Joanna Schultz); (13) "Let Realtors Know: Good Schools Sell Homes" (Kenson Siver); (14) What It Takes To Develop Effective Media Relationships" (Nancy Stark); (15) "Marketing Your Millage Election for Fun and Profit!" (Susan Stuber); (16) "Public Service Campaign Links Teachers and Parents" (Mel VandeGevel); (17) "Chalk Up a Winning Season for Building Level PR" (Nancy Bregi Warren); and (18) "Non-Parents and Schools: Let's Not Be Strangers in the Night" (Jay Young). Appended is a table for determining sample size, a list of survey techniques, and a list of public relations tips. (SI)
AnmerkungenPublications, Michigan School Public Relations Association, 421 West Kalamazoo, Lansing, MI 48933 ($7.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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