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Autor/inBoggs, David L.
InstitutionOhio State Dept. of Education, Columbus.
TitelA Study of Teacher Aides in Ohio Adult Basic Education Programs.
Quelle(1976), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Education; Adult Programs; Demography; Educational Needs; Job Analysis; Occupational Information; Occupational Surveys; Staff Role; Staff Utilization; State Programs; State Surveys; Teacher Aides; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Role; Teachers; Ohio
AbstractA study was conducted to determine the real and potential contributions of teacher-aides to Ohio adult basic education (ABE) programs. The literature concerned with aides in ABE, consisting primarily of reports of inservice workshops, has focused on their functions and training needs. This study had four major purposes: (1) To provide demographic data on aides' education, ethnic background, experience, sex, age, and work setting, (2) to determine the nature and extent of specific instructional, clerical, and community relations activities performed by aides, (3) to determine how well aides were prepared to perform the functions important to their work, and by inference, their training needs, and (4) to examine the nature and quality of the working relationships between teachers and aides. A questionnaire based on the review of literature was field tested with 12 aides, revised, and mailed to 253 aides. Responses were received from 208 aides (82%). Personal interviews were conducted with 35 (16%) aides randomly selected from the respondents, with some adjustments made to insure geographical distribution. Findings are presented in five sections: Modalities of Partnership between Teachers and Aides, Demographic Data, Duties of Aides, Learning Needs of Aides, and Relationship with Teacher. Implications for both administrators and teachers are discussed. Appendixes include the questionnaire and interview guide. (WL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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