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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionFresno City Unified School District, CA. Office of Planning and Research Services.; California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento.
TitelEvaluation of the Comprehensive Compensatory Education Program Instituted under the Provisions of Title 1, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Public Law 89-10, for the 1967-68 School Year. No. 1, Part 1.
Quelle(1968), (105 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompensatory Education; Comprehensive Programs; Counseling Services; Disadvantaged Youth; Educational Television; Family School Relationship; Field Trips; Health Services; Inservice Education; Kindergarten; Parent Participation; Preschool Education; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Reading Programs; Student Teacher Ratio; Teacher Aides; Volunteers
AbstractThis document reports on the first phase of an evaluation of the 1967-68 ESEA Title I projects of the Fresno City Unified School District which seeks ultimately to achieve a rank ordering of project components as to their effectiveness. Primary emphasis in this volume is on describing the various projects and components along with pertinent teacher appraisals of these components. Two projects are discussed in the report--preschools and the comprehensive compensatory education plan. Components of the latter include inservice education, instructional TV, study trips, pupil-teacher ratios, reading articulation, reading centers, counseling services, teacher clerical aides, school-home liaison, and health services. Discussion of each component includes a statement of objectives, a narrative description, and proposed method(s) of evaluation. A section of general information provides names and addresses of administrative personnel along with data on enrollment, community services, advisory committees, personnel, and program effects on integration. (TT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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