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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enO Fathaigh, Mairtin; Staunton, Denis
TitelResources Not Courses: The Role of Non-Formal Community Based Networks in Breathing Life Into Vocational Education and Training in Marginalized Neighborhoods.
Quelle(1999), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Access to Education; Adult Education; Colleges; Community Involvement; Community Organizations; Community Programs; Disadvantaged; Empowerment; Enrollment Influences; Foreign Countries; Neighborhood Improvement; Nonformal Education; Partnerships in Education; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Recruitment; School Community Relationship; Universities; Vocational Education; Working Class; Ireland
AbstractThe role of nonformal university adult education (UAE) in revitalizing vocational education and training (VET) in marginalized neighborhoods in Ireland was examined. First, an examination of the barriers affecting participation in VET in marginalized neighborhoods identified the following barriers: situational barriers arising from individual life situations; institutional barriers, including the physical inaccessibility of education and restrictive rules and regulations; and dispositional barriers related to learners' own attitudes and self-perceptions. Next, empowering (as opposed to dependency- creating) strategies and practices for encouraging greater participation in VET were identified. The research culminated in development of a model for facilitating access within community groups that would encourage greater participation in VET by residents of marginalized neighborhoods. The six stages of the model are as follows: (1) targeting; (2) contact and communication; (3) consultation and negotiation; (4) program development; (5) program implementation; and (6) progression. Evidence of the effectiveness of the partnership model's effectiveness is the successful partnership between the Centre for Adult and Continuing Education at the National University of Ireland and a large number of community-based groups to empower poor and working-class residents of marginalized neighborhoods to embark on a "progressive ladder of learning" culminating in various certificates, diplomas, and degrees. (Contains nine references.)(MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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