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Autor/inn/enHodgens, J. Bart; Weber, Anna
TitelSocial Withdrawal and Aggression in Subgroups of ADHD Children.
Quelle(1992), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Aggression; Attention Deficit Disorders; Behavior Problems; Children; Classification; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Handicap Identification; Hyperactivity; Social Behavior; Student Evaluation; Teacher Attitudes; Withdrawal (Psychology)
AbstractThis study involved 30 children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADD+H), 14 children with attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity (ADD-H), and 28 clinic control children, with a mean age of 8.1 years, and utilized an extreme groups methodology. The study tested the hypothesis that the teacher-rated social behavior of ADD-H children would be characterized by social withdrawal and the ADD+H children by aggression. The hypothesis was confirmed, and the study concluded that this finding underlines the potential utility of separation of these two groups on the overactive dimension. (Contains 12 references.) (JDD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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