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Autor/inn/enHénard, Fabrice; Mitterle, Alexander
InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Institutional Management in Higher Education Programme
TitelGovernance and quality guidelines in higher education.
A review on governance arrangements and quality assurance guidelines.
QuelleParis (2010), 118 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAustralien; China; Deutschland; Dänemark; Finnland; Frankreich; Hongkong; Indien; Irland; Israel; Japan; Kanada; Niederlande; Norwegen; OECD-Staaten; Russland; Schweden; Schweiz; Südafrika (Staat)
AbstractChapter 1 reviews higher education governance literature, targeting key concepts and approaches, as well as the development of governance since the Second World War. As the literature concentrates on the Anglo-Saxon and European regions, the descriptions focus on the development of higher education in the Western world where OECD member countries are mainly located. However, the review also looks at future accession candidates, Enhanced Engagement countries with the OECD and post-Communist European States, where recent developments demonstrate similar trends. This first chapter describes why governance and quality have become important, the evolution of governance, the theoretical frameworks of governance within higher education systems, typologies of institutional governance and key actors involved. Chapter 2 explores the reasons why governance arrangements have emerged and underscores 3 main types. Chapter 3 provides an analysis of a selection of governance arrangements. With the help of higher education experts, the authors drew up a list of eleven governance arrangements in the following countries: Australia, United States, Denmark, Israel, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Ireland, United Kingdom, Quebec (Canada). The review identifies key issues for defining effective governance in different higher education systems with regard to structures, processes and stakeholders. It does not examine the influence of these arrangements (although it does reflect on the findings of studies carried out in the United Kingdom and Australia concerning this aspect). Chapter 4 looks at how well quality assurance processes (such as quality assessment, institutional and system accreditation, quality audit) address governance issues through the guides prepared by quality assurance agencies (usually in collaboration with the institutions and the state). The analysis concentrates on the quality guidelines issued by six United States regional accreditation agencies, on Indian (accreditation), Japanese (accreditation), South African (accreditation), Hong Kong, China quality guidelines (accreditation), United Kingdom (audit) and French quality guidelines (institutional evaluation). Audit guidelines from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Russian Federation and Ireland were analysed as well as accreditation guidelines from Germany, Norway and Switzerland. Chapter 5 shows the structural difference between the treatment of governance within governance arrangements and quality guidelines. It then explores the need to define governance arrangements and raises some questions about how quality assurance guidelines could better address governance issues. (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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