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Autor/inn/enKarpov, Vyacheslav; Lisovskaya, Elena
TitelEducational change in time of social revolution.
QuelleAus: Eklof, Ben (Hrsg.); Holmes, Larry E. (Hrsg.); Kaplan, Vera (Hrsg.): Educational reform in post-Soviet Russia. Legacies and prospects. London u.a.: Cass (2005) S. 23-55Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheThe Cummings Center series. 20
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterVergleich; Gesellschaft; Bildungsreform; Geschichte (Histor); Kommunismus; Konservatismus; Revolution; Transformation; Russland; Sowjetunion
AbstractThe authors seek to explain in this chapter how the "pendulum-like course of the Russian educational reform during the last decade can be explained. [They suggest] that there is nothing unique in such a zigzag of educational reform. It reflects what appears to be a common pattern of educational change which occurs in the context of social revolution" as the comparison of the trajectories of educational change in various historical circumstances shows. The authors compare the educational change in three revolutions which deal with three levels of the development of modern education systems: "the French Revolution of 1789-1814, which led to the formation fo a modern education system; the Communist revolution in Russia/the USSR of 1917-1938, which transformed partly modernized institutions into a fully modern system; and the post-Communist Russian Revolution (1989 to the present), which involved a fully modern system. [These three cases] differed markedly in terms of the political, ideological and socio-economic content of the revolutionary process concerned. Despite of these differences, the study shows remarkably similar patterns of educational change." The authors summarize: "As in the other cases, the post-Communist Russian revolution dealt a deadly blow to the old system of educational control in its early stages. Moreover, the destruction of the old system went much further than the revolutionaries expected or desired. The social instability, political conflicts and economic hardships of the revolution's radical stage deprived schools of essential resources and put their very existence in jeopardy. On the other hand, these very circumstances prevented successful implementation of a coherent constructive reform. Neither Russia's current revolution nor the two other revolutions discussed... developed a viable new system of socio-economic support for and legal-administrative control fo the schools during their radical stages. As a result of radical transformations, schools were freed from the old system, yet there was no new system they could rely on for support. Thus, it is not surprising that so many institutions in the huge system of mass education in Russia had inherited from Communism were on the brink of extinction. In fact, it is surprising that so many schools continued to exist." (DIPF/Orig./Kr.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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