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Sonst. PersonenTillett, A. D. (Hrsg.); Lesser, Barry (Hrsg.)
TitelScience and Technology in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Reform of Higher Education.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Wissenschaft und Technologie in Mittel- und Osteuropa.
QuelleLondon; New York: Garland (1996), XII, 219 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheGarland Studies in Higher Education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterForschung; Förderungsmaßnahme; Technologie; Staat; Transformation; Wissenschaft; Hochschulleitung; Hochschulreform; Hochschulverwaltung; Hochschulpersonal; Hochschule; Qualität; Weltbank; Deutschland-BRD; Deutschland-DDR; Deutschland-Östliche Länder; Estland; Lettland; Litauen; Mitteleuropa; Osteuropa; Polen; Rumänien; Russland; Sowjetunion; Tschechische Republik; Tschechoslowakei
AbstractThe papers are focused on three categories of challenges that science and technology and higher education in Central and Eastern Europe face: - system challenges (a new legislative framework, the establishment of a system of governance for institutions ...); - internal organization/content challenges; - economic challenges. Inhalt: Part I. Introduction (1. Lesser, Barry/Tillett, A. D.: The Context of Change). - Part II. Transition - Country Experiences (2. Piskunov, Dmitry: Russia - Higher Education and Change. - 3. Rabkin, Yakov M./Mirskaya, Elena Z.: Russia - Science in the Post-Soviet Disunion. - 4. Tillett, A. D./Lesser, Barry: Science, Technology, and Higher Education in the Baltics. - 5. Fallenbuchl, Zbigniew M.: Poland - Higher Education and Science. A Survey. - 6. Sadlak, Jan: Romania - Legacy and Change. Reform of Higher Education and Restoration of Academic Work. - 7. Hancil, Vladislav: Czechoslovakia - Higher Education, Science, and Change. - 8. Lenhart, Volker/Stockmann, Stephan: Germany - Restructuring of the Universities, Colleges, and Research Institutions in Eastern Germany). - Part III. Future Directions (9. Eisemon, Thomas Owen: World Bank Lending for Higher Education and Research - Lessons and Implications for Eastern Europe. - 10. Lesser, Barry/Tillett, A. D.: The Way Ahead - Lessons and Prospects for the Future) (HoF/Text übernommen).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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